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Difficulties with Family and Change

                Changes in culture inherently affect the family life as well. No functioning unit functions entirely independent of outside circumstances, and the family is no exception. As outside circumstances change, the systems within the family change as well, not always for the better.
                This is best exemplified in immigrating families, most especially illegal ones. A study recently done asked several questions about topics relating to family interactions before and after immigration, and how American and Mexican cultures influenced those families.
                One of the most general occurrences was that of distance between the father and the rest of the family. The children generally felt abandoned when he left for work in the US, and the gap between him and his children grew generally. There were few things to be done.
                In other instances, families were left confused at the peculiar change in culture and language around them. The family culture in America is one of distance, without particular intimacy between children and parents. This phenomenon was only furthered by the incredible financial difficulties necessitated by the illegal status they possessed. By not being on the books, labor is made to be illegally cheap, well below minimum wage, thus ensuring long work hours for the parents of the household.
                This, of course, is often associated with undesirable behavior in children, with good reason. Lacking a better option, many adolescents become associated with groups of lower status, who have lower standards of acceptance. Though poor English and anti-social behavior are in no way equal, many high school cliques may perceive them that way.
                Also, being isolated in an unfriendly climate can lead to withdrawn and sullen behaviors, even from the adults. In strange situations, they naturally gravitate to those similar to them, only enhancing the probability of further separation and social isolation from the mainstream society. This is a positively reinforcing cycle, and one that does not end quickly or easily.
                Along with cultural difficulties, many grow up feeling like they lack a sense of belonging, a purpose, a group. When interacting with fully native and raised Mexicans, they suffer in the understanding that they are innately different, while also struggling to fit in with the common native-born American school mate, as their heritage may observe differing beliefs and customs.
                This is only compounded with the ever-growing distance between the parents and the children. Other relatives usually assisted back in Mexico, and the distance from them forces the families to adapt.
                Many adults believed that life would be far superior in America, hearing of the enormous hourly wages in comparison to home. Unfortunately, the increased spending costs of living and working were generally not accounted for.
                This meant that the father would be away for quite some time, longer even than anticipated. The average expectancy for their separation was anywhere from 6 to 12 months. The actual separation time averaged 2-3 years.
                Another aspect to consider is the trip it takes to get to America, particularly by illegal means. The most usual route is by a “coyote”, Mexican smugglers who transfer people across the border. The current expected cost for a single person is around seven thousand dollars, an amount that is very difficult to pay for on an illegal immigrant’s salary.
                The coyotes truck them across, usually abandoning them in the middle of a desert, and points them in the direction of the nearest civilization. The families are expected to hike for miles with nothing but what they can run with on their backs, leaving most of their possessions behind or selling them for very little.
                Often they will even be offered access across the border in exchange for favors, such as drug dealing. In fact, 1 in 3 women that crossed illegally stated that they were raped at some point in their journey – including very young women.
                With all of these factors in play, cause for dysfunction within families is no wonder – especially after having undergone such a solemn venture.


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